Auroras and Whales #001 — Blog Archive » Men of Sea

Auroras and Whales #001

Date of the Trip:

08/11/2025 - 15/11/2025

Number of Days:


Trip Route:

Tromsø – Whale Safari - Kvænangen - Spildra – Kvaløya - Tromsø

Difficulty Level:

tourist / easy

Description of the Trip

Winter is coming, the sun is beginning to disappear over the Arctic as it is travelling lower and lower over the horizon, thus colouring the daytime sky with fantastic colours of oranges, reds and purples, allowing photographers to enjoy the long ‘golden hour’ and soft light.

This time of year simultaneously reveals two main attractions of northern Norway: the aurora borealis and herds of whales.

Auroras appear in northern Norway from September to March and, depending on their intensity, paint the sky with different colours and give dynamic shows. A week spent in the North greatly increases the chance of seeing them, which largely depends on the cloud cover. In this time period we are in places far away from civilisation, city lights are replaced by beautiful mountain views.

Every year in the second part of October herds of whales enter the fjords near Spildra following shoals of herring and are stay here until January. The word ‘herds’ is used deliberately, as we usually see many whales rather than individuals. The Kvænangen Fjord is visited by groups of orcas and humpback whales, but we also happen to see sperm whales and fin whales. The whales are really close to us and we can observe them hunting, playing and raising their young.

The highlight of the trip is a stay on a beautiful island of Spildra. Wild, unknown, with beautiful beaches, mountains, trekking trails and incredible history. This is also where our aurora-watching spots are located. Additionally, Spildra offers other attractions, such as a sauna, a campfire or meeting in an atmospheric pub for dinner with friendly islanders, whose stories about life in the far North reveal the secrets of the Arctic. You will feel at home, well, very very far in the North indeed. There is always room for our yacht in a small fishing harbour, which is our base for whale-safari excursions to watch those huge mammals, which come right here.

In addition to exploring the Kvænangen Fjord, we sail near the Lyngen Alps and try to find time to visit Tromsø and the most beautiful places in the area on the islands of Kvaløya and Sommarøy.

If the above attractions are accompanied by optional excursions (dog sledding, visiting a Sami village and reindeer feeding), breathtaking panoramas, treks, a whale safari and cod-fishing, all of those add up to an unforgettable time and a unique experience. The trip requires commitment from the participants, sometimes overcoming weaknesses, discomforts, one can feel like a conqueror. After all, this is the far northern Arctic, here many things are often more difficult.

Date and Price

Deadline: 08/11/2025 - 15/11/2025

1,250.00€ + 350.00€ (common contribution)
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Price - read!

The price includes:
accommodation in a 2/3-bed cabin
cruise on a fully equipped expedition yacht
yacht navigation and the care of an experienced captain
yacht insurance and search and rescue insurance
individual participant’s insurance against personal accidents, costs of medical treatment and luggage
contributions to the Tourist Guarantee Fund and the Tourist Assistance Fund
taxes and cruise fees
sailing knowledge training

The common contribution includes:

food and drinks for the participants
administrative fees
possible car rental

Additionally we provide:

assistance in finding the most favourable flight options
advice on preparing for the trip

The price does not include:

transport to and from the cruise
additional expenses ashore, such as shopping or restaurants
dinner in cosy pub on Spildra (about 350 NOK – 30 EUR)
optionally we can organize snorkeling with orcas – prior notification required

Payment schedule:
20% – at the time of booking
40% – 5 months before the beginning of the trip
40% – 3 months before the beginning of the trip
If any of the dates falls later than three months before the expedition starts, the payment should be made at the time of booking or three months before the expedition starts.

Trip Program

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Day 1: Tromsø


We start embarkation at 4 p.m. We explore Tromsø by walking its streets – admiring the historical centre of the town, interesting colourful houses, the open-air museum, the cathedral, to reach the most popular Storgata street, where we can stock up on souvenirs and relax in one of numerous bars. In the evening we socialise over a shared dinner and, if conditions are favourable, we end the day with a walk together and await the appearance of the extraordinary aurora borealis.

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Day 2-6: Tromsø – Lyngen – Kvænangen – Spildra – Tromsø

Tromsø – Lyngen – Kvænangen – Spildra – Tromsø

We set sail after breakfast. We sail along picturesque fjords, admiring Tromso from the water. After a few hours, we pass the Lyngen peninsula with its landscapes of the rocky Lyngen Alps, whose steep slopes almost rise out of the water. The surrounding Ullsfjorden and Lyngenfjorden are thus extremely picturesque.

OPTION: We stop for the night in Nord-Lenangen, from where we trek towards the Lyngstuva headland in an attempt to catch aurora borealis.
We sail to the picturesque Kvænangen fjord. Here we spend the next few days looking for herds of humpback whales and orcas and watching flying eagles. Whales usually move here in whole herds of a dozen to several dozen individuals, hunting for herring. We may be able to witness the ‘carousel technique’ used by the orcas in order to forage for food. Afterwards, we try our hand at fishing ourselves and, with a bit of luck, enjoy the unique taste of fresh cod. We pass Skjervøy and arrive at the picturesque island of Spildra. In the evening, we “hunt” the Northern Lights again.
Our base for the next few days will be the island of Spildra, our northern gem, full of beautiful and atmospheric places with its beaches, bays, skerries, cottages and rock formations. Here, there are good spots for observing and photographing the Northern Lights. From here we will set off to meet whales that have chosen the nearby waters.
We will find time to go trekking (we have our own snowshoes in case of snow) to the most beautiful places on the island, and in the evening we will go for a barbecue in a secluded glazed cabin. There is a sauna available in the harbour for an extra fee for those wishing to relax. We will also go together for a paid dinner at Rita and Roy’s. We are friends with the inhabitants of the island, so we also enjoy being here, sharing the atmosphere and life in this Norwegian end of the world with the participants of our trips.
Then we return to Tromsø, which again gives us ideal conditions for aurora sightings from the deck of the yacht, away from civilisation

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Day 7: Tromsø – Sommarøy – Hillesøya – Håja – Tromsø

Tromsø – Sommarøy – Hillesøya – Håja – Tromsø

OPTION I: We go on a car trip along the picturesque shores of Kvaløya island admiring beautiful views, fjords, coves and beaches along the way. We drive through a valley surrounded by beautiful mountains with waterfalls flowing into lakes. Then again, mountains, fjords, cottages and charming beaches. On the way – numerous warnings about wandering reindeer and moose. The landscape changes every now and then, there is a full range of colours and shapes. We stop at beautifully situated villages of Kaldfjord and Ersfjordbotn.
We reach the island of Sommarøy – the Arctic Maldives. Sandy white beaches, turquoise water, Lofoten-like cottages and the Arctic aura painting the place with the seasons. In summer, a polar day that lasts nearly 70 days; in winter – wind, snowstorms and skies painted with auroras. Beautiful. The residents of Sommarøy are said to be among the happiest Norwegians. It is said that they have applied to the government to establish a timeless zone here. The place is so beautiful that Norwegians very often choose it for their holidays. Arctic surfers also try their luck here.
On site, we explore the most beautiful places, beaches, bays and hills. From here you can also see the island of Håja, whose unusual shape inspired the architect who designed the famous Arctic Cathedral in Tromsø. If the conditions are favorable, we trek to the Hillesøytoppen mountain. The view is breathtaking. However, you need to be careful because the eagles that nest here fly low. After descending, coffee in the atmospheric, warm Arctic Hotel tastes delicious.

OPTION II: Equipped with snowshoes, we go on an easy trek to the Brosmetinden mountain, from where there is a fantastic panorama of the ocean and nearby islands. The peak is 525 meters high and the round trip distance of about 4 km is covered in about 1-2 hours. If we have enough strength and will, we go to the center of the island and climb the small, 300-meter-high Nattmålsfjellet mountain, belonging to the Kattfjordeidet mountain chain, called the “Scandinavian Chamonix” due to its high peaks and spectacular views. The ascent is not difficult either and takes about 40 minutes one way.

OPTION III (optional trips): On the seventh day of the expedition, those interested in extra activities may skip our program and choose optional trips organized by other local companies. We can assist with booking them.
DOG SLEDDING: Animals and adrenaline lovers spend the first part of the day at a husky farm, where they try their hand at mushing.

SAMI VILLAGE AND REINDEER-SLEDDING: An excursion to the village of the Sami, who have lived in this area for centuries. As Sami culture has always been associated with reindeer farms there is an opportunity to see a huge herd of around 200 animals. The trip includes feeding reindeer, reindeer-sledding and refreshments, such as hot drinks and a traditional bidos soup – a dish cooked with reindeer meat with vegetables. The dish might be served in a vegetarian version, as well.

FLOYA MOUNTAIN: A trip to the nearby summit, which offers a spectacular panoramic view of Tromsø. Floya may be reached by cable car or climbed via the Sherpa Stairs.
In Tromsø, we take one last walk together and, as every evening, wait for the aurora to appear.

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Day 8: Tromsø


We use the time before departure to explore Tromsø further. We start the day with an ascent to the viewpoint on Mount Fløya (671 m above sea level), offering a magnificent panorama of Tromsø and the surrounding area. The viewpoint is located halfway up the mountain, at the upper station of the Fjellheisen cable car. For the ambitious ones, willing to reach the summit, another 45 minutes of gentle climbing awaits. Descending from the summit, we take a close look at the Arctic Cathedral, a Tromsø landmark.
We also recommend a visit to the planetarium, where you can watch a film about the auroras. The show allows you to understand where the auroras come from.
We say goodbye to Norway and return home full of excitement and new plans.
Checking out of the yacht is by 10 o’clock.

The programme above is only a framework. Its implementation depends on the weather. The order of the planned activities may be changed to suit the prevailing conditions, some of them may be left out or their duration altered. The expedition takes place in the far North and in winter time. No one else offers such expeditions under these circumstances. Participants must therefore take this risk into account. On the other hand, the beauty of the harsh North is that few things come easy here and each time we come here we feel like conquerors of the polar regions. This is the Arctic, after all.
The expeditions take place during the period when the polar night is coming or has already come. There is less and less sun with each day. The beginning of November has about 8 hours of light, the end of November about 4-5 hours of light and December between 3-4 hours (depending on the cloud cover). In January, the daylight lengthens. This particular period, however, is chosen by the whales to visit the fjords and from the end of October to the end of December there are more and more of them here, only to swim away from mid-January. Auroras are also particularly active at this time of year.
Our priority is to take you on a yacht trip to the fjords with orcas and humpback whales. Watching them up close is the most wonderful experience of human contact with wild animals. We also want to invite you to our friendly, little-known island of Spildra. It is beautiful. Car excursions in the Tromso area only supplement the programme in case the weather prevents us from sailing for the entire trip.
In the event of weather making sailing impossible at the beginning of the expedition, we start with excursions around Tromsø. During the expedition, when we are on Spildra, conditions may prevent us from sailing. We will then devote time to trekking around the island and other activities on the yacht.
Despite possible difficulties described above, we are proud of our Auroras and Whales expeditions. They are very popular and most of our participants choose them based on recommendations from their friends who have already taken part in them.

Map of the Trip

Trip Crew

Yacht of the Trip

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08/11/2025 - 15/11/2025

Do you have any questions about the trip? Write to us